Profile PictureGwendolyn Terra

Gwendolyn Terra is a practitioner and facilitator of Sacred Movement, Family and Integration Systemic constellations, and Energetic explorations of life, relationships, entrepreneurship, and all aspects of life that are important to the people she serves. As a Mystic Muse, Momma, and Sacred Movement Gardener she InBodies and Integrates all the gifts and wisdom she has received from all of her amazing teachers of Sacred Movement, Creativity, Spirituality, Energy Medicine, Divination, Psychology, and Group Field and Constellation Work. She has been leading and producing Transformational/ Life-Changing Embodied Growth Experiences with groups and individuals across the US for over 20 years. Her offerings include Integration and Family System Constellations, "The Living Oracle" Ritual Theatre, and being the Creatrix of the Conscious Movement practices of RaDiANCE and The Dance Ground all birthed and grown out of her love to explore heartful intimacy as a way of life. She is honored to cultivate sacred spaces for all of us to Flourish, Open, Love, Share and Receive the Amazing Blessings we each are!